Tuesday 18 July 2023

Disassembling shipping container

 This week so far we have taken down our makeshift shipping container. We all communicated to each other so we didn't put anyone in danger of the heavy metal beams falling on themselves and after we taken down both of the containers we carried in the heavy beams in twos and put the smaller ones in the back of a truck and taken them up to where we were storing the beams.

Monday 26 June 2023

Concreting around the new Retaining wall

 A couple of weeks ago I was given the roll of supervising while the year 12s concreted a little footpath around our new retaining wall, They were going good but then they started working slow so i ended up stepping in to give them a hand. We finished way earlier than we were supposed to so we set our temporary fencing back up around the newly laid concrete so nobody could ruin our work we just finished, In the end it came out good but the weather wasn't on our side that whole week but its set and strong.

Thursday 1 June 2023

What I've done this week

 This week I completed most of my CAD (Computer Assisted Drawing) Work, also helped out the lvl2s with their retaining wall and its nearly completed. the yr13s Marked out the new site where we are building a new shed for the new school vans and so far we have run into some tree roots where we are looking to place the sheds.

       This is our P.E shed the we have built 

Thursday 25 May 2023

Extending and Concreting a Footpath

Chur buthas, This week I've been working on extending and concreting a new Footpath. and soo far we've done the boxing and levelled the bottom of the foundation and then cut and tied all the reinforcing mesh and laid it down and the reason why we do that soo the mesh doesnt move when you lay the concrete in the boxing

Friday 5 May 2023

My Building Academy experience

 Chur the bros My names DJ Phillips-Hulmes and I am apart of the building Academy or BAC and I've been in here for the past 2 years and sadly this is my last year, but so far I've really liked being apart of it. 

Since my time in building academy I've passed my NCEA lvl2 and now I got a head start on my lvl3

Since I've started the academy we have started and finished a lot of projects around our school, So far as a class we've nearly completed our P.E shed which is for all the  P.E equipment, We concreted a 40m foot path, concreted a long jump and javelin run up, Constructed a deck, and now starting on some retaining walls, Done some Painting, Landscaping, Scaffolding, and a bit of Roofing here and there. Completed our first aid and site safe soon our forklift license for everyone that's apart of BAC has been properly trained in using the right tools for the right job. Each student has been chosen to go out on site once every week to get some on-site experience and once again I really like doing this kinda stuff CHURR