Monday 26 June 2023

Concreting around the new Retaining wall

 A couple of weeks ago I was given the roll of supervising while the year 12s concreted a little footpath around our new retaining wall, They were going good but then they started working slow so i ended up stepping in to give them a hand. We finished way earlier than we were supposed to so we set our temporary fencing back up around the newly laid concrete so nobody could ruin our work we just finished, In the end it came out good but the weather wasn't on our side that whole week but its set and strong.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora DJ, I was very proud of the way you shared your extensive knowledge of concreting with some of your class mates. I could tell they were really listening to you. The weather just after we finished did certainly add to our curing time, but we just stayed patient and left our temporary fencing up a few extra days. If you were to do this again, do you think would might use a strategy to "speed them up"? What would a boss out on site do?
